
ref: master
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
1a57eae1 2022-06-24 add mirrors in readme Adam
f7239be4 2022-06-07 add contribute to README Adam
bf797454 2022-06-07 change module name Adam
e81c1c23 2022-06-07 update README Adam
5486c731 2022-06-07 consistent error showing Adam
45222b9c 2022-06-07 hide donks Adam
a81ae518 2022-06-07 remove double space in header Adam
95f46784 2022-06-07 add PageDown and Space for next honk Adam
0b13d9ea 2022-06-07 unescape HTML entities Adam
d8e170d3 2022-06-07 use xdg directories Adam
aa636593 2022-06-07 update language version Adam
985d709b 2021-01-04 add colours, open-in-browser, and simple links Adam
edd4d2e9 2020-12-21 show honks one by one Adam