
ref: batong
Sha Commit date Commit message Author
d80c94dc 2023-06-27 release batong version Adam
80796c63 2023-06-26 fixes after validating OpenAPI spec Adam
ae0baa0f 2023-06-26 add batong name description Adam
7edad95f 2023-06-26 add rest of schedule spec Adam
2558653b 2023-06-23 add version batong Adam
3728a44d 2023-06-23 add README Adam
ecb6da55 2023-06-23 add responses v2 Adam
45f86d22 2023-06-20 add VehicleCapabilities Adam
fdaab425 2023-06-20 add LineResponse Adam
de0f1d5d 2023-06-16 full name Adam
dc775714 2023-06-16 change lines, stopStub, lineGraph Adam
3364d733 2023-06-14 remove tripID from StopOrder Adam
ad8bb7c0 2023-06-13 add line headsigns to TRAFFIC structs Adam
0350bd6d 2023-06-07 use traffic structs from DSL Adam
aa0d16f5 2023-05-31 add nodeName to Stop Adam
22d2df59 2023-05-29 add feedID to Stop, add trolleybus LineType Adam
15bff052 2023-04-05 add goals and differences from GTFS Adam
ba524009 2023-03-31 build asciidoc Adam
278920c0 2023-03-31 specify which server is used by clients Adam
6a84711d 2023-03-29 check bare schema Adam
69a5ce89 2023-03-24 api freeze Adam
08bddda4 2023-03-24 remove info specific to bimba Adam
19bc6b77 2023-03-24 add mkfile Adam
0fdb9b11 2023-03-24 add traffic specification Adam
2f977fca 2023-03-24 update openapi based on bare schema Adam
36cc5580 2023-03-24 fixes Adam
be902e41 2023-03-24 beggining of API Adam