
commit 83670f1cfbb554e6d3cb26c6b5f20f3a049f0cbc

Author: Adam Evyčędo <>

move scripts to functions

 .config/fish/ | 4 
 .config/sh/aliases | 2 
 .config/sh/functions | 800 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 .config/sway/config | 29 
 .config/sway/ | 2 
 .local/bin/backup | 86 ----
 .local/bin/bar_all_once | 6 
 .local/bin/bar_network | 2 
 .local/bin/bt | 27 -
 .local/bin/doasedit | 20 
 .local/bin/fd | 8 
 .local/bin/hostblock | 29 -
 .local/bin/luakit | 12 
 .local/bin/mntblk | 55 --
 .local/bin/network_backup | 56 --
 .local/bin/pass | 91 ----
 .local/bin/photosArchive | 88 ----
 .local/bin/photosJoin | 25 -
 .local/bin/rip | 8 
 .local/bin/run | 28 -
 .local/bin/shmoji | 65 ---
 .local/bin/subs | 16 

diff --git a/.config/fish/ b/.config/fish/
index 04a9eab9329b3e40fbf8a29be4ff1db735325b50..2eb8a8813ff3301b17244c3db4ee32f3b1b019c3 100644
--- a/.config/fish/
+++ b/.config/fish/
@@ -69,7 +69,3 @@ if [ (tty) = "/dev/tty1" ] && which sway >/dev/null 2>&1
 	posix_source ~/.config/sh/variables.wayland
 	exec dbus-run-session -- sway
-# todo function fish_prompt
-#   echo ''
-# end

diff --git a/.config/sh/aliases b/.config/sh/aliases
index 4da7666404ed7c3a72a0c83af50b60f5e6ad6759..c3485b0688f7af87b221450f616b92c2a0752109 100644
--- a/.config/sh/aliases
+++ b/.config/sh/aliases
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ alias ag="ag -U"
 alias sshp='ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no'
 # doas
-alias connmanctl="doas /usr/bin/connmanctl"
+alias connmanctl="doas connmanctl"
 alias rfkill="doas /usr/sbin/rfkill"
 # alternatives

diff --git a/.config/sh/functions b/.config/sh/functions
index a21bef3d72c12eae7c2382c1c8f8b763e597a5ef..7eece8914d3092d3b4fdee0e4ed4cee0244badd6 100644
--- a/.config/sh/functions
+++ b/.config/sh/functions
@@ -23,200 +23,6 @@ 		fi
 	done < /etc/apk/world
-# PS1>
-abbreviate_aliases() {
-	# alias must not end with / ; must be sorted like exceptions—more specific (longer) first
-	aliases="$HOME/Music:;$HOME/Code:;$HOME/Desktop:;$HOME/Documents:;$HOME/Downloads:;$HOME/Pictures:;$HOME/Public:;$HOME/Templates:;$HOME/Videos:;$HOME:~"
-	path="$PWD"
-	IFS=";"; for a in $aliases
-	do
-		aliasPath=$(echo "$a" | cut -d':' -f1)
-		aliasSymbol=$(echo "$a" | cut -d':' -f2)
-		if beginswith "$aliasPath" "$path"
-		then
-			path=$(echo "$path" | sed "s!$aliasPath!$aliasSymbol!")
-			break
-		fi
-	done
-	if [ "$(echo "$path" | cut -c1)" = '/' ]
-	then
-		path="$path"
-	fi
-	echo "$path"
-makePS1() {
-	ex=$?
-	bgBlack="$(tput setab 100)"
-	bgRed="$(tput setab 101)"
-	bgYellow="$(tput setab 103)"
-	bgGreen="$(tput setab 102)"
-	bgBrown="$(tput setab 107)"
-	bgBlue="$(tput setab 106)"
-	fgBlack="$(tput setaf 100)"
-	fgWhite="$(tput setaf 250)"
-	fgRed="$(tput setaf 101)"
-	fgBlue="$(tput setaf 106)"
-	fgYellow="$(tput setaf 103)"
-	fgGreen="$(tput setaf 102)"
-	fgBrown="$(tput setaf 107)"
-	clear="$(tput sgr0)"
-	# todo if $(jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 1 -> print indicator
-	if [ "$ex" -gt 0 ]
-	then
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 %s " "$bgRed" "$fgWhite" "$ex"
-		if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]
-		then
-			printf "\001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$fgRed" "$bgBlue" "$clear"
-		else
-			printf "\001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$fgRed" "$bgYellow" "$clear"
-		fi
-	fi
-	if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]
-	then
-		venv="$(echo "$VIRTUAL_ENV" | sed 's!/.venv!!')"
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 %s \001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$bgBlue" "$fgBlack" "${venv##*/}" "$fgBlue" "$bgYellow" "$clear"
-	fi
-	path=$(abbreviate_aliases)
-	path=${path%/}
-	n=$(echo "$path" | sed -e 's![^/]!!g' | wc -c)
-	i=0
-	IFS='/'; for d in $path
-	do
-		# fixme grouping (left,right?)
-		if [ "$i" -lt $((n-1)) ]
-		then
-			if [ "$i" -le 2 ] || [ "$i" -ge $((n-2)) ] || [ "$i" -eq 3 -a "$n" -lt 6 ]
-			then
-				printf "\001%b%b\002 %s \001%b\002" "$bgYellow" "$fgBlack" "$d" "$clear"
-			elif [ "$i" -eq 3 ] && [ "$n" -ge 6 ]
-			then
-				printf "\001%b%b\002 … \001%b\002" "$bgYellow" "$fgBlack" "$clear"
-			fi
-		else
-			printf "\001%b%b\002 %s \001%b\002" "$bgYellow" "$fgBlack" "$d" "$clear"
-		fi
-		i=$((i+1))
-	done
-	if git rev-parse 2>/dev/null
-	then
-		branch=$(git branch | grep '\*' | cut -d' ' -f2)
-		bg=$bgGreen
-		fg=$fgBlack
-		arrow=$fgGreen
-		gitText=" $branch "
-		if git status | grep 'Your branch is behind' >/dev/null
-		then
-			gitText="$gitText"
-		fi
-		if git status | grep 'Untracked files' >/dev/null
-		then
-			gitText="$gitTextﱐ "
-		fi
-		if git status | grep 'Changes not staged for commit' >/dev/null
-		then
-			gitText="$gitText "
-			bg=$bgBrown
-			fg=$fgWhite
-			arrow=$fgBrown
-		fi
-		if git status | grep 'Changes to be committed' >/dev/null
-		then
-			gitText="$gitTextﱣ "
-			bg=$bgBrown
-			fg=$fgWhite
-			arrow=$fgBrown
-		fi
-		if git status | grep 'Your branch is ahead' >/dev/null
-		then
-			gitText="$gitTextﰖ "
-		fi
-		printf "\001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$fgYellow" "$bg" "$clear"
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 %s\001%b\002" "$bg" "$fg" "$gitText" "$clear"
-		printf "\001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$bgBlack" "$arrow" "$clear"
-		git_present=1
-	else
-		git_present=0
-	fi
-	if hg branch >/dev/null 2>&1
-	then
-		branch=$(hg branch)
-		bg=$bgGreen
-		fg=$fgBlack
-		arrow=$fgGreen
-		gitText=" $branch "
-		#if hg inc -l1 >/dev/null
-		#then
-		#	gitText="$gitText"
-		#fi
-		if [ "$(hg status -u | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]
-		then
-			gitText="$gitTextﱐ "
-		fi
-		if [ "$(hg status -dram | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]
-		then
-			gitText="$gitText "
-			bg=$bgBrown
-			fg=$fgWhite
-			arrow=$fgBrown
-		fi
-		#if hg out -l1 >/dev/null
-		#then
-		#	gitText="$gitTextﰖ "
-		#fi
-		printf "\001%b%b\b\002\001%b\002" "$fgYellow" "$bg" "$clear"
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 %s\001%b\002" "$bg" "$fg" "$gitText" "$clear"
-		printf "\001\b%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$bgBlack" "$arrow" "$clear"
-		hg_present=1
-	else
-		hg_present=0
-	fi
-	if [ $git_present -eq 0 ] && [ $hg_present -eq 0 ]
-	then
-		printf "\001%b%b\002\001%b\002" "$bgBlack" "$fgYellow" "$clear"
-	fi
-	if [ "$(whoami)" = "root" ]
-	then
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 # \001%b%b\002\001%b\002 " "$bgBlack" "$fgYellow" "$clear" "$fgBlack" "$clear"
-	else
-		printf "\001%b%b\002 \$ \001%b%b\002\001%b\002 " "$bgBlack" "$fgGreen" "$clear" "$fgBlack" "$clear"
-	fi
-# <PS1
-makePS2() {
-	bgBlack="$(tput setab 0)"
-	fgBlack="$(tput setaf 0)"
-	fgGreen="$(tput setaf 2)"
-	clear="$(tput sgr0)"
-	printf "\001%b%b\002 … \001%b%b\002\001%b\002 " "$bgBlack" "$fgGreen" "$clear" "$fgBlack" "$clear"
-entry() {
-	date_full=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
-	date_short=$(date "+%b %d")
-	cd ~/Documents/Creatio/Diary/Current/ || exit 1
-	if [ ! -f "$date_full.asciidoc" ]
-	then
-		printf "=== %s\n\n\n" "$date_short" > "$date_full.asciidoc"
-	fi
-	kak -e "kak-spell-enable en_GB" "$date_full.asciidoc"
-	cd - >/dev/null || exit 1
 _gen_fzf_default_opts() {
@@ -248,53 +54,35 @@ 	"$1"*) true;; *) false;; esac; }
 endswith() { case $2 in
 	*"$1") true;; *) false;; esac; }
-screenshot() {
-	slurp | grim -g - - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
+screenshot_area() {
+	grimshot --notify save area - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
+screenshot_this_window() {
+	grimshot --notify save active - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
+screenshot_window() {
+	grimshot --notify save window - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
 screenshot_all() {
-	grim - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
+	grimshot --notify save screen - | cwebp -lossless -o "$HOME/Pictures/screen_$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S).webp" -- -
 toggle_wifi() {
-	state=$(connmanctl technologies | grep wifi -A3 | grep Powered | cut -d '=' -f 2 |tr -d ' ')
+	state=$(doas connmanctl technologies | grep wifi -A3 | grep Powered | cut -d '=' -f 2 |tr -d ' ')
 	if [ "$state" = 'False' ]
-		. /tmp/
-		connmanctl enable wifi
-		doas sv restart connmand
+		doas connmanctl enable wifi
+		sleep 5
+		doas /etc/init.d/connman restart
-		connmanctl disable wifi
+		doas connmanctl disable wifi
+	bar_all_once
-# golint() {
-# 	if [ $# -gt 0 ]
-# 	then
-# 		result=$(cat "$1")
-# 	else
-# 		result=$(golangci-lint run --out-format checkstyle)
-# 	fi
-# 	files=$(echo "$result" | xmllint --xpath '//file' - | tr '\n' '\t')
-# 	IFS=$'\t'; for file in $(echo "$files")
-# 	do
-# 		filename=$(echo "$file" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//file/@name)' -)
-# 		errors=$(echo "$file" | xmllint --xpath '//error' - | tr '\n' '\t')
-# 		IFS=$'\t'; for error in $(echo "$errors")
-# 		do
-# 			line=$(echo "$error" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//error/@line)' -)
-# 			column=$(echo "$error" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//error/@column)' -)
-# 			message=$(echo "$error" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//error/@message)' -)
-# 			kind=$(echo "$error" | xmllint --xpath 'string(//error/@severity)' -)
-# 			echo "$filename:$line:$column: $kind: $message"
-# 		done
-# 	done
-# }
-#fd() {
-#	$EDITOR $(ag --nobreak --nonumbers --noheading . | fzf --delimiter=':' --nth=2.. | cut -d ':' -f 1)
 datediff() {
 	d1=$(date -d "$1" +%s)
 	d2=$(date -d "$2" +%s)
@@ -322,23 +110,6 @@ alarm() {
 	echo "notify-send -u critical -i appointment-soon 'Alarm' '$2'; ffplay ~adam/Music/mps/cloister.ogg" | at "$1"
-# guak() {
-# 	if  $(pgrep -fc guak) -lt 2 ]
-# 	the
-# 		alcritty --class guake &
-# 		eco '1' > /tmp/guak
-# 		ext
-# 	fi
-# 	if  "$(cat /tmp/guak)" = '1' ]
-# 	the
-# 		swymsg '[app_id="guake"] move scratchpad'
-# 		eco '0' > /tmp/guak
-# 	els
-# 		swymsg '[app_id="guake"] scratchpad show'
-# 		eco '1' > /tmp/guak
-# 	fi
-# }
 guakStart() {
 	wezterm start --always-new-process >/dev/null 2>&1 &
 	pid=$(jobs -p)
@@ -498,17 +269,6 @@ 	# testme ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v libsvtav1 -preset 10 -r 25 -threads 16 -crf 17 svtav1_test.mp4
 	ffmpeg -i "$1" -crf "$Q" -threads 16 -b:v 0 -c:v libaom-av1 -r 25 -strict experimental -tile-columns 2 -pix_fmt yuv420p "${1%%.*}.av1.webm"
-touchpad() {
-	ID=$(xinput list | grep -Eo 'TouchPad\s*id\=[0-9]{1,2}' | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,2}')
-	State=$(xinput list-props "$ID" | grep 'Device Enabled' | awk '{print $4}')
-	if [ "$State" -eq 1 ]
-	then
-		xinput disable "$ID"
-	else
-		xinput enable "$ID"
-	fi
 volume() {
 	if command -v pactl >/dev/null 2>&1
@@ -572,33 +332,515 @@ 	fi
 	find "$dir" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head -n1
-project() {
-	project_start=0
-	i=1
-	while read -r line
+backup() {
+	set -ex
+	if [ "$1" = 'mymlan' ]
+	then
+		if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
+		then
+			printf "don’t run as root"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		rsync -rtP --delete /media/usb/adam/H500/Mårran/ /media/usb/adam/Mymlan/
+	fi
+	if [ "$1" = 'daily' ]
+	then
+		case "$(hostname)" in
+			mycroft)
+				if [ "$(id -nu)" != 'adam' ]
+				then
+					printf "run as adam"
+					exit 1
+				fi
+				name="backup_$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
+				[ -f /tmp/1000-runtime-dir/keybase/keybased.sock ] || keybase service >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+				doas modprobe fuse
+				[ -d /keybase/ ] || kbfsfuse >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+				while ! cd /keybase 2>/dev/null
+				do
+					sleep 2
+				done
+				cd
+				find /keybase/private/bquiet/backup/mycroft/ -type f -iname 'backup_*.tar' -mtime '+6' -exec rm {} \;
+				# git-remotes in ~/Code/dwd
+				tar cf "/keybase/private/bquiet/backup/mycroft/${name}.tar" --exclude dwd ~/Code/ ~/Documents/ ~/Downloads/ ~/Pictures/ ~/Templates/ /etc/runlevels /etc/connman/ /etc/doas.conf /etc/udev /etc/udisks2/ /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/hostname /etc/apk/world
+			;;
+			DeepThought)
+				if [ "$(id -nu)" != 'backup' ]
+				then
+					printf "run as backup"
+					exit 1
+				fi
+				set -x
+				date
+				name="backup_$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
+				cmd="$1"
+				infraFiles=$(doas -u infra /home/infra/backup "$cmd")
+				wwwFiles=$(doas -u www /var/www/backup "$cmd")
+				if [ -z "$cmd" ]
+				then
+					find /keybase/private/bquiet/backup/deepthought/ -type f -iname 'backup_*.tar' -mtime '+6' -exec rm {} \;
+					#shellcheck disable=SC2086
+					tar -cPlf "/keybase/private/bquiet/backup/deepthought/${name}.tar" backup $infraFiles $wwwFiles
+				fi
+			;;
+		esac
+		exit 0
+	fi
+	if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]
+	then
+		printf 'run as root'
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	case "$(hostname)" in
+		mycroft)
+			cd /
+			btrfs subvolume snapshot -r / "root_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
+			btrfs send root_* | btrfs receive /media/usb/adam/H500/
+			btrfs subvolume delete "root_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
+			cd /home || exit 1
+			btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home/ "home_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
+			btrfs send home_* | btrfs receive /media/usb/adam/H500/
+			btrfs subvolume delete "home_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
+		;;
+	esac
+connected() {
+  if connmanctl services | grep -qE '(O|R) '
+  then
+    return 0
+  else
+    return 1
+  fi
+shouldBackupNow() {
+  if [ ! -f ~/.cache/lastBackup ]
+  then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  now=$(date '+%s')
+  then=$(cat ~/.cache/lastBackup)
+  test $((now - then)) -gt 86400
+shouldPassNow() {
+  cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || return 1
+  passLastDate=$(git log --date=unix | grep Date | tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2- | head -n1)
+  cd ~/.local/share/eeze || return 1
+  eezeLastDate=$(git log --date=unix | grep Date | tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2- | head -n1)
+  test "$passLastDate" -lt "$eezeLastDate"
+network_backup() {
+	if connected
+	then
+	  shouldPassNow && notify-send -i backup -u critical 'JoeBlack should be run' 'There are changes to passwords since last JoeBlack sync'
+	  shouldBackupNow && (
+	    notify-send -i backup 'Running daily backup'
+	    backup daily
+	    notify-send -i backup 'Finished daily backup'
+	    date '+%s' >~/.cache/lastBackup
+	  )
+	fi
+	ip monitor address | while read -r _
-		if [ $project_start -eq 0 ]
+	  if connected
+	  then
+	    shouldPassNow && notify-send -i backup -u critical 'JoeBlack should be run' 'There are changes to passwords since last JoeBlack sync'
+	    shouldBackupNow && (
+	      notify-send -i backup 'Running daily backup'
+	      backup daily
+	      notify-send -i backup 'Finished daily backup'
+	      date '+%s' >~/.cache/lastBackup
+	    )
+	  fi
+	done
+bar_all_once() {
+	~/.local/bin/bar_clock
+	~/.local/bin/bar_battery -1
+	~/.local/bin/bar_network -1
+	~/.local/bin/bar_bluetooth
+bt() {
+	# TODO
+	trap bar_bluetooth INT
+	if [ "$1" = 'on' ]
+	then
+		(
+			ln -sf ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-bluealsa ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-default
+			#set -e
+			doas /usr/sbin/rfkill unblock bluetooth
+			sleep 1
+			bluetoothctl power on || (sleep 2; bluetoothctl power on)
+			sleep 1
+			bluetoothctl connect 9C:19:C2:95:5D:E1
+		)
+	elif [ "$1" = 'off' ]
+	then
+		bluetoothctl power off
+		ln -sf /dev/null ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-default
+	else
+		bluetoothctl show | grep Powered | cut -f2
+		bluetoothctl info | grep -E '(Alias|Connected)' | cut -f2
+	fi
+	bar_bluetooth
+fd() {
+	if [ "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)" = '/home/adam' ]
+	then
+		/usr/bin/fd -I "$@"
+	else
+		/usr/bin/fd "$@"
+	fi
+luakit() {
+	. ~/.config/sh/variables
+	/usr/bin/luakit
+	cd ~/.local/share/luakit/ || exit 1
+	sqlite3 cookies.db 'delete from moz_cookies;'
+	sqlite3 history.db 'delete from history;'
+	sqlite3 downloads.db 'delete from downloads;'
+	rm -rf ./local_storage/*
+	rm -rf ./indexeddb/*
+	echo '{{["command"]={2},},{},}' > ./command-history
+mntblk() {
+	set -e
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2010
+	disks=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep -v dm | grep -v sda | cut -d '>' -f 2 | tail -n+2 | cut -d '/' -f 3)
+	labels=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/)
+	if [ -z "$disks" ]
+	then
+		echo "No disks attached"
+		exit
+	fi
+	disk_labels=$(for disk in $disks
+	do
+		mountpoint=$(mount | grep "$disk" | cut -d ' ' -f 3- | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 4- | rev)
+		label=$(echo "$labels" | grep "$disk" | awk -F '->' '{print $1}' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
+		if [ -z "$label" ]
-			if [ "$line" = "[$1]" ]
+			entry="$disk�$disk"
+		else
+			entry="$disk�$label"
+		fi
+		if [ "$mountpoint" ]
+		then
+			entry="$entry ($mountpoint)"
+		fi
+		echo "$entry"
+	done)
+	result=$(echo "$disk_labels" | fzf -m -d '�' --with-nth 2)
+	if [ -z "$result" ]
+	then
+		exit
+	fi
+	label=$(echo "$result" | awk -F '�' '{print $2}')
+	disk=$(echo "$result" | awk -F '�' '{print $1}')
+	path="/dev/$disk"
+	if mount | grep -q "$path"
+	then
+		action='unmount'
+	else
+		action='mount'
+	fi
+	udisksctl "$action" -b "$path"
+	if [ "$action" = 'unmount' ] && ! [ "$1" = '-s' ]
+	then
+		echo "Ejecting $path"
+		doas eject "$path"
+	fi
+pass() {
+	export POSIXLY_CORRECT="true"
+	case "$1" in
+		'sync')
+			shift
+			force=""
+			TEMP=$(getopt -n 'pass sync' -o 'f' -- "$@")
+			if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-				project_start=$i
+				echo 'error parsing args'
+				exit 1
-		else
-			if [ "$(echo "$line" | cut -c1)" = '[' ]
+			eval set -- "$TEMP"
+			unset TEMP
+			while true
+			do
+				case "$1" in
+					'-f')
+						force='true'
+						shift
+						continue
+						;;
+					'--')
+						shift
+						break
+						;;
+				esac
+			done
+			cd ~/.local/share/eeze/ || (echo 'no eeze data dir'; exit 1)
+			echo 'pulling changes'
+			git pull
+			if [ -n "$force" ]
-				break
+				echo 'reindexing'
+				eeze -Ir
-			key="$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f1)"
-			value="$(echo "$line" | cut -d'=' -f2)"
-			case $key in
-				"root")
-					eval PROJECT_ROOT="$value"
-					export PROJECT_ROOT
-					;;
-			esac
+			echo 'pushing changes'
+			git push
+			cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || exit 0
+			echo '# syncing Joe Black'
+			./encode
+			git add payload
+			git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
+			git push
+			;;
+		'new')
+			shift
+			opts_def='-sy'
+			num_def='20'
+			TEMP=$(getopt -n 'pass new' -o '01AaBcCNnHhsvy' -- "$@")
+			if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+			then
+				echo 'error parsing args'
+				exit 1
+			fi
+			eval set -- "$TEMP"
+			unset TEMP
+			while true
+			do
+				case "$1" in
+					'--')
+						shift
+						break
+						;;
+					*)
+						opts="$opts $1"
+						;;
+				esac
+			done
+			num="$1"
+			[ -z "$opts" ] && opts=$opts_def
+			[ -z "$num" ] && num=$num_def
+			echo '# adding to store'
+			pwgen $opts "$num" 1 | eeze-add
+			cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || exit 0
+			echo '# syncing Joe Black'
+			./encode
+			git add payload
+			git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
+			git push
+			;;
+		*)
+			echo 'pass (sync|new) [options]'
+			;;
+	esac
+rip() {
+	cd-paranoia -Q 2>&1 |
+	grep "^ *[1-9]" | 
+	sed -e 's/^ *\|\..*//g' | 
+	while read -r t; do
+	  cd-paranoia "$t" - | ffmpeg -i pipe: "rip_$t.flac";
+	done
+run() {
+	result=$(for app in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
+	do
+		name=$(grep -E '^Name=' "$app" | head -n1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)
+		commands=$(grep -E '^Name=|^Exec' "$app" | sed 's/ %.//' | cut -d '=' -f2- | awk '(NR-1)%2 == 0 { printf("%s%s", $0, "�") }; (NR-1)%2 == 1 { print }')
+		if [ -z "$commands" ]
+		then
+			continue
-	i=$((i+1))
-	done < ~/.config/projects.toml
-	cd "$PROJECT_ROOT" || exit 1
-	exec "$SHELL"
+		if [ "$(echo "$commands" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]
+		then
+		echo "$commands" | while read -r comman
+			do
+				if [ "$(echo "$comman" | sed 's/�.*//')" = "$name" ]
+				then
+					echo "$comman"
+				else
+					echo "$name, $comman"
+				fi
+			done
+		else
+			echo "$commands"
+		fi
+	done | uniq | fzf -m -d '�' --with-nth 1)
+	# shellcheck disable=SC2091
+	$(echo "$result" | sed 's/.*�//') >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ws() {
+	if stat "$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/$(hostname)_w$1.webp" >/dev/null 2>&1
+	then
+		wallpaper="$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/$(hostname)_w$1.webp"
+	else
+		wallpaper="$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/$(hostname).webp"
+	fi
+	killall swaybg
+	swaybg -i "$wallpaper" -m fill >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+	#nanosleep 100000000
+	swaymsg workspace "$1"
+photosArchive() {
+	IFS=''
+	author="Adam Pioterek <>"
+	copyright="CC-BY-SA"
+	while [ $# -gt 0 ]
+	do
+		if [ "$1" = "--author" ]
+		then
+			shift
+			author=$1
+		fi
+		if [ "$1" = "--copyright" ]
+		then
+			shift
+			copyright=$1
+		fi
+		if [ "$1" = "--no-exif" ]
+		then
+			noExif=true
+		fi
+		if [ "$1" = "--no-rename" ]
+		then
+			noRename=true
+		fi
+		shift
+	done
+	if [ "$noRename" ]
+	then
+		printf "No renaming\n"
+	else
+		printf "Renaming\n"
+		rename '.JPG' '.jpg' ./*.JPG
+		exiv2 -F mv ./*.jpg
+		rename '.MOV' '.mov' ./*.MOV
+		for film in ./*.mov
+		do
+			filmName=$(ffprobe -show_entries format_tags=creation_time "$film" 2>/dev/null | grep TAG: | cut -d '.' -f1 | sed 's/TAG:creation_time=//' | sed -E 's/(-|:)//g' | sed 's/T/_/')
+			mv "$film" "$"
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ "$noExif" ]
+	then
+		printf 'No exif\n'
+	else
+		printf "Setting exif data: %s, %s\n" "$author" "$copyright"
+		exiv2 -M "set Exif.Image.Copyright $copyright" mo ./*.jpg
+		exiv2 -M "set Xmp.pdf.Author $author" mo ./*.jpg
+		exiv2 -dc ./*.jpg
+	fi
+	printf "Orienting\n"
+	for x in ./*.jpg
+	do
+		convert -auto-orient "$x" "${x}_r"
+	done
+	printf "Removing oriented\n"
+	for x in ./*_r
+	do
+		name=${x%_*}
+		mv "$x" "$name"
+	done
+	printf "Encoding to webp\n"
+	for x in ./*.jpg
+	do
+		name=${x%.*}
+		cwebp "$x" -metadata all -o "${name}.webp" || (mv "$x" "$x.webp" && rm "${name}.webp")
+	done
+	printf "Encoding to webm\n"
+	for x in `ls | grep mp4`
+	do
+		toAV1 $x
+	done
+	printf "Checksum\n"
+	sha512sum ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv > .checksum
+	printf "Zipping\n"
+	zip ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv .checksum .description
+photosJoin() {
+	oldPath=$(pwd)
+	mkdir /tmp/photosOne /tmp/photosTwo
+	cp "$1" /tmp/photosOne
+	cp "$2" /tmp/photosTwo
+	cd /tmp/photosOne || exit 1
+	unzip "$1"
+	rm "$1"
+	cd /tmp/photosTwo || exit 1
+	unzip "$2"
+	rm "$2"
+	mkdir /tmp/photosResult
+	cd /tmp/photosResult || exit 1
+	cat /tmp/photosOne/.checksum /tmp/photosTwo/.checksum > .checksum
+	cat /tmp/photosOne/.description /tmp/photosTwo/.description > .description
+	rm /tmp/photosOne/.checksum /tmp/photosOne/.description
+	rm /tmp/photosTwo/.checksum /tmp/photosTwo/.description
+	mv /tmp/photosOne/* .
+	mv /tmp/photosTwo/* .
+	zip ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv .checksum .description
+	cd "$oldPath" || exit 1
+	mv /tmp/photosResult/ .
+	rm -rf /tmp/photosOne /tmp/photosTwo /tmp/photosResult

diff --git a/.config/sway/config b/.config/sway/config
index 49b603761e2ed60b825ffb626b36fc3da87c4e15..fd883ec17a712e218bcb961c552ca9f3bd8e334c 100644
--- a/.config/sway/config
+++ b/.config/sway/config
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ bindsym $mod+Ctrl+t split v, layout tabbed;
 bindsym $mod+Ctrl+space floating toggle
-bindsym $mod+exclam exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 1
-bindsym $mod+at exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 2
-bindsym $mod+numbersign exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 3
-bindsym $mod+dollar exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 4
-bindsym $mod+percent exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 5
-bindsym $mod+asciicircum exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 6
-bindsym $mod+ampersand exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 7
-bindsym $mod+asterisk exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 8
-bindsym $mod+parenleft exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 9
-bindsym $mod+parenright exec ~/.local/bin/workspace 10
+bindsym $mod+exclam exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 1'
+bindsym $mod+at exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 2'
+bindsym $mod+numbersign exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 3'
+bindsym $mod+dollar exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 4'
+bindsym $mod+percent exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 5'
+bindsym $mod+asciicircum exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 6'
+bindsym $mod+ampersand exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 7'
+bindsym $mod+asterisk exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 8'
+bindsym $mod+parenleft exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 9'
+bindsym $mod+parenright exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; ws 10'
 bindsym $mod+left workspace prev
 bindsym $mod+right workspace next
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+parenleft move window to workspace 9
 bindsym $mod+Shift+parenright move window to workspace 10
 bindsym $mod+Ctrl+Return exec wezterm
-bindsym $mod+f exec ~/.local/bin/luakit
+bindsym $mod+f exec exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; luakit'
 bindsym $mod+Shift+f exec qutebrowser
 bindsym $mod+e exec wezterm start -- ~/.local/bin/filemanager
@@ -106,14 +106,15 @@
 bindsym XF86WLAN exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; toggle_wifi'
 bindsym $mod+F12 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; toggle_wifi'
 bindsym --locked XF86Launch3 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; backlight t'
-bindsym --locked $mod+F11 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; backlight t'
 # todo bindsym XF86Display exec ~/Code/Scripts/changeDisplay
 # todo bindsym $mod+F4 exec ~/Code/Scripts/changeDisplay
 bindsym $mod+Ctrl+l exec swaylock
-bindsym Print exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot'
-bindsym Ctrl+Print exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot_all'
+bindsym $mod+F11 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot_area'
+bindsym Shift+F11 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot_this_window'
+bindsym Ctrl+F11 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot_all'
+bindsym Alt+F11 exec sh -c '. ~/.config/sh/functions; screenshot_window'
 default_border pixel 1
 titlebar_border_thickness 0

diff --git a/.config/sway/ b/.config/sway/
index 2f6e9fc26b7f286ffb35fdf707cc496467158577..1c71b6a1111f9b6ec99193b4424d3a2176adf766 100755
--- a/.config/sway/
+++ b/.config/sway/
@@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ ~/.local/bin/bar_clock
-~/.local/bin/network_backup &
+# network_backup &

diff --git a/.local/bin/backup b/.local/bin/backup
deleted file mode 100755
index c814b44fb09323e055154aac6ccda971d61402ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/backup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = 'mymlan' ]
-	if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]
-	then
-		printf "don’t run as root"
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	rsync -rtP --delete /media/usb/adam/H500/Mårran/ /media/usb/adam/Mymlan/
-if [ "$1" = 'daily' ]
-	case "$(hostname)" in
-		Mycroft)
-			if [ "$(id -nu)" != 'adam' ]
-			then
-				printf "run as adam"
-				exit 1
-			fi
-			name="backup_$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
-			[ -f /run/user/1000/keybase/ ] || keybase service >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-			[ -d /keybase/ ] || kbfsfuse >/dev/null 2>&1 &
-			while ! cd /keybase 2>/dev/null
-			do
-				sleep 2
-			done
-			cd
-			find /keybase/private/bquiet/backup/mycroft/ -type f -iname 'backup_*.tar' -mtime '+6' -exec rm {} \;
-			# git-remotes in ~/Code/dwd
-			xbps-query -m >/tmp/world
-			tar cPlf "/keybase/private/bquiet/backup/mycroft/${name}.tar" --exclude dwd ~/Code/ ~/Documents/ ~/Downloads/ ~/Pictures/ ~/Templates/ /var/service/ /etc/sv/ /etc/connman/ /etc/doas.conf /etc/doh /etc/elogind/ /etc/fido_keys /etc/udev /etc/udisks2/ /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/hostname /tmp/world
-		;;
-		DeepThought)
-			if [ "$(id -nu)" != 'backup' ]
-			then
-				printf "run as backup"
-				exit 1
-			fi
-			set -x
-			date
-			name="backup_$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
-			cmd="$1"
-			infraFiles=$(doas -u infra /home/infra/backup "$cmd")
-			wwwFiles=$(doas -u www /var/www/backup "$cmd")
-			if [ -z "$cmd" ]
-			then
-				find /keybase/private/bquiet/backup/deepthought/ -type f -iname 'backup_*.tar' -mtime '+6' -exec rm {} \;
-				#shellcheck disable=SC2086
-				tar -cPlf "/keybase/private/bquiet/backup/deepthought/${name}.tar" backup $infraFiles $wwwFiles
-			fi
-		;;
-	esac
-	exit 0
-if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]
-	printf 'run as root'
-	exit 1
-case "$(hostname)" in
-	Mycroft)
-		cd /
-		btrfs subvolume snapshot -r / "root_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
-		btrfs send root_* | btrfs receive /media/usb/adam/H500/
-		btrfs subvolume delete "root_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
-		cd /home || exit 1
-		btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /home/ "home_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
-		btrfs send home_* | btrfs receive /media/usb/adam/H500/
-		btrfs subvolume delete "home_$(date '+%Y%m%d')"
-	;;

diff --git a/.local/bin/bar_all_once b/.local/bin/bar_all_once
deleted file mode 100755
index a2bc4b84dbe8ff38790e9daa065b9b495b683821..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/bar_all_once
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-~/.local/bin/bar_battery -1
-~/.local/bin/bar_network -1

diff --git a/.local/bin/bar_network b/.local/bin/bar_network
index e197ad2120614770145e2c8daedbf4388af7c0bf..f872781363239c10d601a1e2eaccbf0a3d246cdb 100755
--- a/.local/bin/bar_network
+++ b/.local/bin/bar_network
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ then
-ip monitor address | while read -r _
+/sbin/ip monitor address | while read -r _
 	printf "network|%s\n" "$(render)" >/tmp/swaybar/pipe

diff --git a/.local/bin/bt b/.local/bin/bt
deleted file mode 100755
index 53233ae1a4c6ddbc74b2a250fd85318a4279273c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/bt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-trap bar_bluetooth INT
-if [ "$1" = 'on' ]
-	(
-		ln -sf ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-bluealsa ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-default
-		#set -e
-		doas /usr/sbin/rfkill unblock bluetooth
-		sleep 1
-		bluetoothctl power on || (sleep 2; bluetoothctl power on)
-		sleep 1
-		bluetoothctl connect 9C:19:C2:95:5D:E1
-	)
-elif [ "$1" = 'off' ]
-	bluetoothctl power off
-	ln -sf /dev/null ~/.config/alsa/asoundrc-default
-	bluetoothctl show | grep Powered | cut -f2
-	bluetoothctl info | grep -E '(Alias|Connected)' | cut -f2

diff --git a/.local/bin/doasedit b/.local/bin/doasedit
deleted file mode 100755
index d6807424b6f4939bb5e31882b0a4a18410283c1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/doasedit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]
-	echo Must be run by root
-	exit 1
-cp /etc/doas.conf /tmp/doas.conf
-doas "$EDITOR" /tmp/doas.conf
-if doas -C /tmp/doas.conf
-	chown root:root /tmp/doas.conf
-	chmod 644 /tmp/doas.conf
-	mv /tmp/doas.conf /etc/doas.conf

diff --git a/.local/bin/fd b/.local/bin/fd
deleted file mode 100755
index c0700492285afa102b80a9f129c39e17636afd8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/fd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-if [ "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" = '/home/adam' ]
-	/usr/bin/fd -I "$@"
-	/usr/bin/fd "$@"

diff --git a/.local/bin/hostblock b/.local/bin/hostblock
deleted file mode 100755
index 55df7c0cc138180f294b44a933d95011af501a1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/hostblock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-blockers="steven_black; amp; cares;"
-if [ "$(hostname)" = "Marvin" ]
-	mount -o rw,remount /
-	prefix="/system"
-	prefix=""
-mkdir -p /etc/hosts.d/
-for blocker in $blockers
-	name=$(echo "$blocker" | cut -d';' -f1)
-	url=$(echo "$blocker" | cut -d';' -f2)
-	curl "$url" > "/etc/hosts.d/$name.dwd"
-echo "# THIS FILE IS GENERATED. EDIT /etc/hosts.d/*" > "$prefix/etc/hosts"
-cat /etc/hosts.d/*.local | grep -Ev '^#' | sort -u >> "$prefix/etc/hosts"
-cat /etc/hosts.d/*.dwd | grep -Ev '^#' | sort -u | grep '' >> "$prefix/etc/hosts"
-if [ "$(hostname)" = "Marvin" ]
-	mount -o ro,remount /

diff --git a/.local/bin/luakit b/.local/bin/luakit
deleted file mode 100755
index 762590a207ba23b55fd92cc4e5d5fbf7ae11dfc6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/luakit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-. ~/.config/sh/variables
-cd ~/.local/share/luakit/ || exit 1
-sqlite3 cookies.db 'delete from moz_cookies;'
-sqlite3 history.db 'delete from history;'
-sqlite3 downloads.db 'delete from downloads;'
-rm -rf ./local_storage/*
-rm -rf ./indexeddb/*
-echo '{{["command"]={2},},{},}' > ./command-history

diff --git a/.local/bin/mntblk b/.local/bin/mntblk
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f7f1f8bb8744579786131926e41770ca99a8b1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/mntblk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# shellcheck disable=SC2010
-disks=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep -v dm | grep -v sda | cut -d '>' -f 2 | tail -n+2 | cut -d '/' -f 3)
-labels=$(ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/)
-if [ -z "$disks" ]
-	echo "No disks attached"
-	exit
-disk_labels=$(for disk in $disks
-	mountpoint=$(mount | grep "$disk" | cut -d ' ' -f 3- | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 4- | rev)
-	label=$(echo "$labels" | grep "$disk" | awk -F '->' '{print $1}' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
-	if [ -z "$label" ]
-	then
-		entry="$disk�$disk"
-	else
-		entry="$disk�$label"
-	fi
-	if [ "$mountpoint" ]
-	then
-		entry="$entry ($mountpoint)"
-	fi
-	echo "$entry"
-result=$(echo "$disk_labels" | fzf -m -d '�' --with-nth 2)
-if [ -z "$result" ]
-	exit
-label=$(echo "$result" | awk -F '�' '{print $2}')
-disk=$(echo "$result" | awk -F '�' '{print $1}')
-if mount | grep -q "$path"
-	action='unmount'
-	action='mount'
-udisksctl "$action" -b "$path"
-if [ "$action" = 'unmount' ] && ! [ "$1" = '-s' ]
-	echo "Ejecting $path"
-	doas eject "$path"

diff --git a/.local/bin/network_backup b/.local/bin/network_backup
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ca949ef9bffc1a198b7a1b700d19af45992f77f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/network_backup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-connected() {
-  if connmanctl services | grep -qE '(O|R) '
-  then
-    return 0
-  else
-    return 1
-  fi
-shouldBackupNow() {
-  if [ ! -f ~/.cache/lastBackup ]
-  then
-    return 0
-  fi
-  now=$(date '+%s')
-  then=$(cat ~/.cache/lastBackup)
-  test $((now - then)) -gt 86400
-shouldPassNow() {
-  cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || return 1
-  passLastDate=$(git log --date=unix | grep Date | tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2- | head -n1)
-  cd ~/.local/share/eeze || return 1
-  eezeLastDate=$(git log --date=unix | grep Date | tr -s ' ' |cut -d ' ' -f2- | head -n1)
-  test "$passLastDate" -lt "$eezeLastDate"
-if connected
-  shouldPassNow && notify-send -i backup -u critical 'JoeBlack should be run' 'There are changes to passwords since last JoeBlack sync'
-  shouldBackupNow && (
-    notify-send -i backup 'Running daily backup'
-    backup daily
-    notify-send -i backup 'Finished daily backup'
-    date '+%s' >~/.cache/lastBackup
-  )
-ip monitor address | while read -r _
-  if connected
-  then
-    shouldPassNow && notify-send -i backup -u critical 'JoeBlack should be run' 'There are changes to passwords since last JoeBlack sync'
-    shouldBackupNow && (
-      notify-send -i backup 'Running daily backup'
-      backup daily
-      notify-send -i backup 'Finished daily backup'
-      date '+%s' >~/.cache/lastBackup
-    )
-  fi

diff --git a/.local/bin/pass b/.local/bin/pass
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a96890ca628ab4df76a7faf88164f85de82d8ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/pass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-export POSIXLY_CORRECT="true"
-case "$1" in
-	'sync')
-		shift
-		force=""
-		TEMP=$(getopt -n 'pass sync' -o 'f' -- "$@")
-		if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-		then
-			echo 'error parsing args'
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		eval set -- "$TEMP"
-		unset TEMP
-		while true
-		do
-			case "$1" in
-				'-f')
-					force='true'
-					shift
-					continue
-					;;
-				'--')
-					shift
-					break
-					;;
-			esac
-		done
-		cd ~/.local/share/eeze/ || (echo 'no eeze data dir'; exit 1)
-		echo 'pulling changes'
-		git pull
-		if [ -n "$force" ]
-		then
-			echo 'reindexing'
-			eeze -Ir
-		fi
-		echo 'pushing changes'
-		git push
-		cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || exit 0
-		echo '# syncing Joe Black'
-		./encode
-		git add payload
-		git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
-		git push
-		;;
-	'new')
-		shift
-		opts_def='-sy'
-		num_def='20'
-		TEMP=$(getopt -n 'pass new' -o '01AaBcCNnHhsvy' -- "$@")
-		if [ $? -ne 0 ]
-		then
-			echo 'error parsing args'
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		eval set -- "$TEMP"
-		unset TEMP
-		while true
-		do
-			case "$1" in
-				'--')
-					shift
-					break
-					;;
-				*)
-					opts="$opts $1"
-					;;
-			esac
-		done
-		num="$1"
-		[ -z "$opts" ] && opts=$opts_def
-		[ -z "$num" ] && num=$num_def
-		echo '# adding to store'
-		pwgen $opts "$num" 1 | eeze-add
-		cd ~/Code/current/joeblack || exit 0
-		echo '# syncing Joe Black'
-		./encode
-		git add payload
-		git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%dT%H%M')"
-		git push
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo 'pass (sync|new) [options]'
-		;;

diff --git a/.local/bin/photosArchive b/.local/bin/photosArchive
deleted file mode 100755
index dca2d7170582e31ae0ec4b4f2654f7b5766fbcb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/photosArchive
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-author="Adam Pioterek <>"
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]
-	if [ "$1" = "--author" ]
-	then
-		shift
-		author=$1
-	fi
-	if [ "$1" = "--copyright" ]
-	then
-		shift
-		copyright=$1
-	fi
-	if [ "$1" = "--no-exif" ]
-	then
-		noExif=true
-	fi
-	if [ "$1" = "--no-rename" ]
-	then
-		noRename=true
-	fi
-	shift
-if [ "$noRename" ]
-	printf "No renaming\n"
-	printf "Renaming\n"
-	rename '.JPG' '.jpg' ./*.JPG
-	exiv2 -F mv ./*.jpg
-	rename '.MOV' '.mov' ./*.MOV
-	for film in ./*.mov
-	do
-		filmName=$(ffprobe -show_entries format_tags=creation_time "$film" 2>/dev/null | grep TAG: | cut -d '.' -f1 | sed 's/TAG:creation_time=//' | sed -E 's/(-|:)//g' | sed 's/T/_/')
-		mv "$film" "$"
-	done
-if [ "$noExif" ]
-	printf 'No exif\n'
-	printf "Setting exif data: %s, %s\n" "$author" "$copyright"
-	exiv2 -M "set Exif.Image.Copyright $copyright" mo ./*.jpg
-	exiv2 -M "set Xmp.pdf.Author $author" mo ./*.jpg
-	exiv2 -dc ./*.jpg
-printf "Orienting\n"
-for x in ./*.jpg
-	convert -auto-orient "$x" "${x}_r"
-printf "Removing oriented\n"
-for x in ./*_r
-	name=${x%_*}
-	mv "$x" "$name"
-printf "Encoding to webp\n"
-for x in ./*.jpg
-	name=${x%.*}
-	cwebp "$x" -metadata all -o "${name}.webp" || (mv "$x" "$x.webp" && rm "${name}.webp")
-#printf "Encoding to webm\n"
-#for x in `ls | grep mp4`
-#	name=${x%.*}
-#	ffmpeg -i $x -b:v 10000k -c:a libopus -c:v libvpx-vp9 $name.webm
-printf "Checksum\n"
-sha512sum ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv > .checksum
-printf "Zipping\n"
-zip ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv .checksum .description

diff --git a/.local/bin/photosJoin b/.local/bin/photosJoin
deleted file mode 100755
index 1223c787a40a3f2200f751b2057c9d34d831ad7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/photosJoin
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-mkdir /tmp/photosOne /tmp/photosTwo
-cp "$1" /tmp/photosOne
-cp "$2" /tmp/photosTwo
-cd /tmp/photosOne || exit 1
-unzip "$1"
-rm "$1"
-cd /tmp/photosTwo || exit 1
-unzip "$2"
-rm "$2"
-mkdir /tmp/photosResult
-cd /tmp/photosResult || exit 1
-cat /tmp/photosOne/.checksum /tmp/photosTwo/.checksum > .checksum
-cat /tmp/photosOne/.description /tmp/photosTwo/.description > .description
-rm /tmp/photosOne/.checksum /tmp/photosOne/.description
-rm /tmp/photosTwo/.checksum /tmp/photosTwo/.description
-mv /tmp/photosOne/* .
-mv /tmp/photosTwo/* .
-zip ./*.webp ./*.webm ./*.mkv .checksum .description
-cd "$oldPath" || exit 1
-mv /tmp/photosResult/ .
-rm -rf /tmp/photosOne /tmp/photosTwo /tmp/photosResult

diff --git a/.local/bin/rip b/.local/bin/rip
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b9d0858b91b4e4791d10505bde5e4d6364c05f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/rip
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-cd-paranoia -Q 2>&1 |
-grep "^ *[1-9]" | 
-sed -e 's/^ *\|\..*//g' | 
-while read -r t; do
-  cd-paranoia "$t" - | ffmpeg -i pipe: "rip_$t.flac";

diff --git a/.local/bin/run b/.local/bin/run
deleted file mode 100755
index b7f3bc710bca38664a397734625a4a1c2ef3d3c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-result=$(for app in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop
-	name=$(grep -E '^Name=' "$app" | head -n1 | cut -d '=' -f 2)
-	commands=$(grep -E '^Name=|^Exec' "$app" | sed 's/ %.//' | cut -d '=' -f2- | awk '(NR-1)%2 == 0 { printf("%s%s", $0, "�") }; (NR-1)%2 == 1 { print }')
-	if [ -z "$commands" ]
-	then
-		continue
-	fi
-	if [ "$(echo "$commands" | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]
-	then
-	echo "$commands" | while read -r comman
-		do
-			if [ "$(echo "$comman" | sed 's/�.*//')" = "$name" ]
-			then
-				echo "$comman"
-			else
-				echo "$name, $comman"
-			fi
-		done
-	else
-		echo "$commands"
-	fi
-done | uniq | fzf -m -d '�' --with-nth 1)
-# shellcheck disable=SC2091
-$(echo "$result" | sed 's/.*�//') >/dev/null 2>&1 &

diff --git a/.local/bin/shmoji b/.local/bin/shmoji
deleted file mode 100755
index c66368152a7c692385019790ab2958b78be4ebda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/shmoji
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# shell-based emoji picker
-# deps by command:
-# - shmoji download: curl
-# - shmoji fzf: fzf
-# - shmoji bemenu: bemenu & wtype
-# - shmoji rofi: rofi & xdotool
-set -e
-die() {
-    printf "%s\n" "$1"
-    exit 1
-depends() {
-    for dep in "$@"; do
-        command -v "$dep" > /dev/null || die "$dep not found"
-    done
-emojicheck() {
-    [ -f "$emojifile" ] || die "emojis not found. try 'shmoji download'"
-case "$cmd" in
-    download)
-        depends curl
-        mkdir -p "$emojidir"
-        # $ wc -l /var/www/ 
-        # 3570 /var/www/
-        curl '' >"$emojifile"
-        ;;
-    bemenu)
-        emojicheck
-        depends bemenu wtype
-        emoji=$(cat "$emojifile" | bemenu -c -W 0.2 -l 20)
-        printf "%s" "$emoji" | cut -d " " -f 1 | tr -d '\n' | wtype -
-        ;;
-    rofi)
-        emojicheck
-        depends rofi xdotool
-        win=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
-        emoji=$(cat "$emojifile" | rofi -dmenu | cut -d " " -f 1 | tr -d '\n')
-        [ "$emoji" ] && xdotool windowactivate --sync $win type --clearmodifiers $emoji
-        ;;
-    fzf)
-        emojicheck
-        depends fzf
-        emoji=$(cat "$emojifile" | fzf)
-        printf "%s" "$emoji" | cut -d " " -f 1 | tr -d '\n'
-        ;;
-    *)
-        printf "%s\n" "usage: shmoji [download | bemenu | rofi | fzf]"
-        ;;
-exit 0

diff --git a/.local/bin/subs b/.local/bin/subs
deleted file mode 100755
index c6fbeca88caab11584fff70f5742310703a32ddf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/.local/bin/subs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-find . -maxdepth 1 -iname '*.avi' -o -iname '*.mp4' -o -iname '*.mkv' | while read -r f
-	ext=${f##*.}
-	subfile=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/$ext/srt/")
-	if [ -e "$subfile" ]
-	then
-		newfile=${f%.*}
-		printf "adding %s to %s; will create %s\n" "$f" "$subfile" "$newfile"
-		ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$f" -f srt  -i "$subfile" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:0 -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s srt "${newfile}.sub.mkv"
-	else
-		printf "subtitle file %s does not exist\n" "$subfile"
-	fi