ref: e00b98b82c3f29fa963eef68ca9e097808982d6e
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#include "displayapp/DisplayAppRecovery.h" #include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <libraries/log/nrf_log.h> #include "components/fs/FS.h" #include "components/rle/RleDecoder.h" #include "touchhandler/TouchHandler.h" #include "displayapp/icons/infinitime/infinitime-nb.c" #include "components/ble/BleController.h" using namespace Pinetime::Applications; DisplayApp::DisplayApp(Drivers::St7789& lcd, const Drivers::Cst816S& /*touchPanel*/, const Controllers::Battery& /*batteryController*/, const Controllers::Ble& bleController, Controllers::DateTime& /*dateTimeController*/, const Drivers::Watchdog& /*watchdog*/, Pinetime::Controllers::NotificationManager& /*notificationManager*/, Pinetime::Controllers::HeartRateController& /*heartRateController*/, Controllers::Settings& /*settingsController*/, Pinetime::Controllers::MotorController& /*motorController*/, Pinetime::Controllers::MotionController& /*motionController*/, Pinetime::Controllers::AlarmController& /*alarmController*/, Pinetime::Controllers::BrightnessController& /*brightnessController*/, Pinetime::Controllers::TouchHandler& /*touchHandler*/, Pinetime::Controllers::FS& /*filesystem*/) : lcd {lcd}, bleController {bleController} { } void DisplayApp::Start() { msgQueue = xQueueCreate(queueSize, itemSize); if (pdPASS != xTaskCreate(DisplayApp::Process, "displayapp", 512, this, 0, &taskHandle)) APP_ERROR_HANDLER(NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM); } void DisplayApp::Process(void* instance) { auto* app = static_cast<DisplayApp*>(instance); NRF_LOG_INFO("displayapp task started!"); // Send a dummy notification to unlock the lvgl display driver for the first iteration xTaskNotifyGive(xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle()); app->InitHw(); while (true) { app->Refresh(); } } void DisplayApp::InitHw() { DisplayLogo(colorWhite); } void DisplayApp::Refresh() { Display::Messages msg; if (xQueueReceive(msgQueue, &msg, 200)) { switch (msg) { case Display::Messages::UpdateBleConnection: if (bleController.IsConnected()) { DisplayLogo(colorBlue); } else { DisplayLogo(colorWhite); } break; case Display::Messages::BleFirmwareUpdateStarted: DisplayLogo(colorGreen); break; default: break; } } if (bleController.IsFirmwareUpdating()) { uint8_t percent = (static_cast<float>(bleController.FirmwareUpdateCurrentBytes()) / static_cast<float>(bleController.FirmwareUpdateTotalBytes())) * 100.0f; switch (bleController.State()) { case Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Running: DisplayOtaProgress(percent, colorWhite); break; case Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Validated: DisplayOtaProgress(100, colorGreenSwapped); break; case Controllers::Ble::FirmwareUpdateStates::Error: DisplayOtaProgress(100, colorRedSwapped); break; default: break; } } } void DisplayApp::DisplayLogo(uint16_t color) { Pinetime::Tools::RleDecoder rleDecoder(infinitime_nb, sizeof(infinitime_nb), color, colorBlack); for (int i = 0; i < displayWidth; i++) { rleDecoder.DecodeNext(displayBuffer, displayWidth * bytesPerPixel); ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, 500); lcd.DrawBuffer(0, i, displayWidth, 1, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(displayBuffer), displayWidth * bytesPerPixel); } } void DisplayApp::DisplayOtaProgress(uint8_t percent, uint16_t color) { const uint8_t barHeight = 20; std::fill(displayBuffer, displayBuffer + (displayWidth * bytesPerPixel), color); for (int i = 0; i < barHeight; i++) { ulTaskNotifyTake(pdTRUE, 500); uint16_t barWidth = std::min(static_cast<float>(percent) * 2.4f, static_cast<float>(displayWidth)); lcd.DrawBuffer(0, displayWidth - barHeight + i, barWidth, 1, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(displayBuffer), barWidth * bytesPerPixel); } } void DisplayApp::PushMessage(Display::Messages msg) { BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken; xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xQueueSendFromISR(msgQueue, &msg, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); if (xHigherPriorityTaskWoken) { /* Actual macro used here is port specific. */ // TODO : should I do something here? } } void DisplayApp::Register(Pinetime::System::SystemTask* /*systemTask*/) { } void DisplayApp::Register(Pinetime::Controllers::SimpleWeatherService* /*weatherService*/) { } void DisplayApp::Register(Pinetime::Controllers::MusicService* /*musicService*/) { } void DisplayApp::Register(Pinetime::Controllers::NavigationService* /*NavigationService*/) { } |