ref: cd8216d1c9c15f4d1876ed31f5d79b594e031e6c
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#include "components/ble/CurrentTimeClient.h" #include <nrf_log.h> #include "components/datetime/DateTimeController.h" using namespace Pinetime::Controllers; constexpr ble_uuid16_t CurrentTimeClient::ctsServiceUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t CurrentTimeClient::currentTimeCharacteristicUuid; namespace { int OnDiscoveryEventCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, const struct ble_gatt_svc* service, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<CurrentTimeClient*>(arg); return client->OnDiscoveryEvent(conn_handle, error, service); } int OnCurrentTimeCharacteristicDiscoveredCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, const struct ble_gatt_chr* chr, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<CurrentTimeClient*>(arg); return client->OnCharacteristicDiscoveryEvent(conn_handle, error, chr); } int CurrentTimeReadCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, struct ble_gatt_attr* attr, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<CurrentTimeClient*>(arg); return client->OnCurrentTimeReadResult(conn_handle, error, attr); } } CurrentTimeClient::CurrentTimeClient(DateTime& dateTimeController) : dateTimeController {dateTimeController} { } void CurrentTimeClient::Init() { } bool CurrentTimeClient::OnDiscoveryEvent(uint16_t connectionHandle, const ble_gatt_error* error, const ble_gatt_svc* service) { if (service == nullptr && error->status == BLE_HS_EDONE) { if (isDiscovered) { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS found, starting characteristics discovery"); ble_gattc_disc_all_chrs(connectionHandle, ctsStartHandle, ctsEndHandle, OnCurrentTimeCharacteristicDiscoveredCallback, this); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS not found"); onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); } return true; } if (service != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&ctsServiceUuid.u, &service->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS discovered : 0x%x - 0x%x", service->start_handle, service->end_handle); isDiscovered = true; ctsStartHandle = service->start_handle; ctsEndHandle = service->end_handle; return false; } return false; } int CurrentTimeClient::OnCharacteristicDiscoveryEvent(uint16_t conn_handle, const ble_gatt_error* error, const ble_gatt_chr* characteristic) { if (characteristic == nullptr && error->status == BLE_HS_EDONE) { if (isCharacteristicDiscovered) { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS Characteristic discovery complete, fetching time"); ble_gattc_read(conn_handle, currentTimeHandle, CurrentTimeReadCallback, this); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS Characteristic discovery unsuccessful"); onServiceDiscovered(conn_handle); } return 0; } if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(¤tTimeCharacteristicUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("CTS Characteristic discovered : 0x%x", characteristic->val_handle); isCharacteristicDiscovered = true; currentTimeHandle = characteristic->val_handle; } return 0; } int CurrentTimeClient::OnCurrentTimeReadResult(uint16_t conn_handle, const ble_gatt_error* error, const ble_gatt_attr* attribute) { if (error->status == 0) { // TODO check that attribute->handle equals the handle discovered in OnCharacteristicDiscoveryEvent CtsData result; os_mbuf_copydata(attribute->om, 0, sizeof(CtsData), &result); uint16_t year = ((uint16_t) result.year_MSO << 8) + result.year_LSO; NRF_LOG_INFO("Received data: %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", year, result.month, result.dayofmonth, result.hour, result.minute, result.second); dateTimeController.SetTime(year, result.month, result.dayofmonth, result.hour, result.minute, result.second); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("Error retrieving current time: %d", error->status); } onServiceDiscovered(conn_handle); return 0; } void CurrentTimeClient::Reset() { isDiscovered = false; isCharacteristicDiscovered = false; } void CurrentTimeClient::Discover(uint16_t connectionHandle, std::function<void(uint16_t)> onServiceDiscovered) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[CTS] Starting discovery"); this->onServiceDiscovered = onServiceDiscovered; ble_gattc_disc_svc_by_uuid(connectionHandle, &ctsServiceUuid.u, OnDiscoveryEventCallback, this); } |