ref: a0ba80882c55e5bd6e1636916fdbadd1c7c4a069
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#include "displayapp/widgets/Counter.h" using namespace Pinetime::Applications::Widgets; namespace { void upBtnEventHandler(lv_obj_t* obj, lv_event_t event) { auto* widget = static_cast<Counter*>(obj->user_data); if (event == LV_EVENT_SHORT_CLICKED || event == LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSED_REPEAT) { widget->UpBtnPressed(); } } void downBtnEventHandler(lv_obj_t* obj, lv_event_t event) { auto* widget = static_cast<Counter*>(obj->user_data); if (event == LV_EVENT_SHORT_CLICKED || event == LV_EVENT_LONG_PRESSED_REPEAT) { widget->DownBtnPressed(); } } } Counter::Counter(int min, int max, lv_font_t& font) : min {min}, max {max}, font {font} { } void Counter::UpBtnPressed() { value++; if (value > max) { value = min; } UpdateLabel(); if (ValueChangedHandler != nullptr) { ValueChangedHandler(userData); } }; void Counter::DownBtnPressed() { value--; if (value < min) { value = max; } UpdateLabel(); if (ValueChangedHandler != nullptr) { ValueChangedHandler(userData); } }; void Counter::SetValue(int newValue) { value = newValue; UpdateLabel(); } void Counter::HideControls() { lv_obj_set_hidden(upBtn, true); lv_obj_set_hidden(downBtn, true); lv_obj_set_hidden(upperLine, true); lv_obj_set_hidden(lowerLine, true); lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_opa(counterContainer, LV_OBJ_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_OPA_TRANSP); } void Counter::ShowControls() { lv_obj_set_hidden(upBtn, false); lv_obj_set_hidden(downBtn, false); lv_obj_set_hidden(upperLine, false); lv_obj_set_hidden(lowerLine, false); lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_opa(counterContainer, LV_OBJ_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_OPA_COVER); } void Counter::UpdateLabel() { if (twelveHourMode) { if (value == 0) { lv_label_set_text_static(number, "12"); } else if (value <= 12) { lv_label_set_text_fmt(number, "%.2i", value); } else { lv_label_set_text_fmt(number, "%.2i", value - 12); } } else { lv_label_set_text_fmt(number, "%.2i", value); } } // Value is kept between 0 and 23, but the displayed value is converted to 12-hour. // Make sure to set the max and min values to 0 and 23. Otherwise behaviour is undefined void Counter::EnableTwelveHourMode() { twelveHourMode = true; } void Counter::SetValueChangedEventCallback(void* userData, void (*handler)(void* userData)) { this->userData = userData; this->ValueChangedHandler = handler; } void Counter::Create() { constexpr lv_color_t bgColor = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x38, 0x38, 0x38); counterContainer = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_color(counterContainer, LV_BTN_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, bgColor); number = lv_label_create(counterContainer, nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_text_font(number, LV_LABEL_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, &font); lv_obj_align(number, nullptr, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); lv_obj_set_auto_realign(number, true); lv_label_set_text_static(number, "00"); static constexpr uint8_t padding = 5; const uint8_t width = lv_obj_get_width(number) + padding * 2; static constexpr uint8_t btnHeight = 50; const uint8_t containerHeight = btnHeight * 2 + lv_obj_get_height(number) + padding * 2; lv_obj_set_size(counterContainer, width, containerHeight); UpdateLabel(); upBtn = lv_btn_create(counterContainer, nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_color(upBtn, LV_BTN_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, bgColor); lv_obj_set_size(upBtn, width, btnHeight); lv_obj_align(upBtn, nullptr, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 0); upBtn->user_data = this; lv_obj_set_event_cb(upBtn, upBtnEventHandler); lv_obj_t* upLabel = lv_label_create(upBtn, nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_text_font(upLabel, LV_LABEL_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, &jetbrains_mono_42); lv_label_set_text_static(upLabel, "+"); lv_obj_align(upLabel, nullptr, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); downBtn = lv_btn_create(counterContainer, nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_bg_color(downBtn, LV_BTN_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, bgColor); lv_obj_set_size(downBtn, width, btnHeight); lv_obj_align(downBtn, nullptr, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0); downBtn->user_data = this; lv_obj_set_event_cb(downBtn, downBtnEventHandler); lv_obj_t* downLabel = lv_label_create(downBtn, nullptr); lv_obj_set_style_local_text_font(downLabel, LV_LABEL_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, &jetbrains_mono_42); lv_label_set_text_static(downLabel, "-"); lv_obj_align(downLabel, nullptr, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); linePoints[0] = {0, 0}; linePoints[1] = {width, 0}; auto LineCreate = [&]() { lv_obj_t* line = lv_line_create(counterContainer, nullptr); lv_line_set_points(line, linePoints, 2); lv_obj_set_style_local_line_width(line, LV_LINE_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, 1); lv_obj_set_style_local_line_color(line, LV_LINE_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_COLOR_WHITE); lv_obj_set_style_local_line_opa(line, LV_LINE_PART_MAIN, LV_STATE_DEFAULT, LV_OPA_20); return line; }; upperLine = LineCreate(); lv_obj_align(upperLine, upBtn, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0); lowerLine = LineCreate(); lv_obj_align(lowerLine, downBtn, LV_ALIGN_OUT_TOP_MID, 0, -1); } |