ref: 859fe26fe0bd43a78006523fa7bc24368ad627f9
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#include "components/ble/AlertNotificationClient.h" #include <algorithm> #include "components/ble/NotificationManager.h" #include "systemtask/SystemTask.h" #include <nrf_log.h> using namespace Pinetime::Controllers; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::ansServiceUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::supportedNewAlertCategoryUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::supportedUnreadAlertCategoryUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::newAlertUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::unreadAlertStatusUuid; constexpr ble_uuid16_t AlertNotificationClient::controlPointUuid; namespace { int OnDiscoveryEventCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, const struct ble_gatt_svc* service, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<AlertNotificationClient*>(arg); return client->OnDiscoveryEvent(conn_handle, error, service); } int OnAlertNotificationCharacteristicDiscoveredCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, const struct ble_gatt_chr* chr, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<AlertNotificationClient*>(arg); return client->OnCharacteristicsDiscoveryEvent(conn_handle, error, chr); } int OnAlertNotificationDescriptorDiscoveryEventCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, uint16_t chr_val_handle, const struct ble_gatt_dsc* dsc, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<AlertNotificationClient*>(arg); return client->OnDescriptorDiscoveryEventCallback(conn_handle, error, chr_val_handle, dsc); } int NewAlertSubcribeCallback(uint16_t conn_handle, const struct ble_gatt_error* error, struct ble_gatt_attr* /*attr*/, void* arg) { auto client = static_cast<AlertNotificationClient*>(arg); return client->OnNewAlertSubcribe(conn_handle, error); } } AlertNotificationClient::AlertNotificationClient(Pinetime::System::SystemTask& systemTask, Pinetime::Controllers::NotificationManager& notificationManager) : systemTask {systemTask}, notificationManager {notificationManager} { } bool AlertNotificationClient::OnDiscoveryEvent(uint16_t connectionHandle, const ble_gatt_error* error, const ble_gatt_svc* service) { if (service == nullptr && error->status == BLE_HS_EDONE) { if (isDiscovered) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Discovery found, starting characteristics discovery"); ble_gattc_disc_all_chrs(connectionHandle, ansStartHandle, ansEndHandle, OnAlertNotificationCharacteristicDiscoveredCallback, this); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS not found"); onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); } return true; } if (service != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&ansServiceUuid.u, &service->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS discovered : 0x%x - 0x%x", service->start_handle, service->end_handle); ansStartHandle = service->start_handle; ansEndHandle = service->end_handle; isDiscovered = true; } return false; } int AlertNotificationClient::OnCharacteristicsDiscoveryEvent(uint16_t connectionHandle, const ble_gatt_error* error, const ble_gatt_chr* characteristic) { if (error->status != 0 && error->status != BLE_HS_EDONE) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovery ERROR"); onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); return 0; } if (characteristic == nullptr && error->status == BLE_HS_EDONE) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovery complete"); if (isCharacteristicDiscovered) { ble_gattc_disc_all_dscs(connectionHandle, newAlertHandle, ansEndHandle, OnAlertNotificationDescriptorDiscoveryEventCallback, this); } else onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); } else { if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&supportedNewAlertCategoryUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : supportedNewAlertCategoryUuid"); supportedNewAlertCategoryHandle = characteristic->val_handle; } else if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&supportedUnreadAlertCategoryUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : supportedUnreadAlertCategoryUuid"); supportedUnreadAlertCategoryHandle = characteristic->val_handle; } else if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&newAlertUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : newAlertUuid"); newAlertHandle = characteristic->val_handle; newAlertDefHandle = characteristic->def_handle; isCharacteristicDiscovered = true; } else if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&unreadAlertStatusUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : unreadAlertStatusUuid"); unreadAlertStatusHandle = characteristic->val_handle; } else if (characteristic != nullptr && ble_uuid_cmp(&controlPointUuid.u, &characteristic->uuid.u) == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : controlPointUuid"); controlPointHandle = characteristic->val_handle; } else NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Characteristic discovered : 0x%x", characteristic->val_handle); } return 0; } int AlertNotificationClient::OnNewAlertSubcribe(uint16_t connectionHandle, const ble_gatt_error* error) { if (error->status == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS New alert subscribe OK"); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS New alert subscribe ERROR"); } onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); return 0; } int AlertNotificationClient::OnDescriptorDiscoveryEventCallback(uint16_t connectionHandle, const ble_gatt_error* error, uint16_t characteristicValueHandle, const ble_gatt_dsc* descriptor) { if (error->status == 0) { if (characteristicValueHandle == newAlertHandle && ble_uuid_cmp(&newAlertUuid.u, &descriptor->uuid.u)) { if (newAlertDescriptorHandle == 0) { NRF_LOG_INFO("ANS Descriptor discovered : %d", descriptor->handle); newAlertDescriptorHandle = descriptor->handle; isDescriptorFound = true; uint8_t value[2]; value[0] = 1; value[1] = 0; ble_gattc_write_flat(connectionHandle, newAlertDescriptorHandle, value, sizeof(value), NewAlertSubcribeCallback, this); } } } else { if (!isDescriptorFound) onServiceDiscovered(connectionHandle); } return 0; } void AlertNotificationClient::OnNotification(ble_gap_event* event) { if (event->notify_rx.attr_handle == newAlertHandle) { constexpr size_t stringTerminatorSize = 1; // end of string '\0' constexpr size_t headerSize = 3; const auto maxMessageSize {NotificationManager::MaximumMessageSize()}; const auto maxBufferSize {maxMessageSize + headerSize}; // Ignore notifications with empty message const auto packetLen = OS_MBUF_PKTLEN(event->; if (packetLen <= headerSize) return; size_t bufferSize = std::min(packetLen + stringTerminatorSize, maxBufferSize); auto messageSize = std::min(maxMessageSize, (bufferSize - headerSize)); NotificationManager::Notification notif; os_mbuf_copydata(event->, headerSize, messageSize - 1,; notif.message[messageSize - 1] = '\0'; notif.size = messageSize; notif.category = Pinetime::Controllers::NotificationManager::Categories::SimpleAlert; notificationManager.Push(std::move(notif)); systemTask.PushMessage(Pinetime::System::Messages::OnNewNotification); } } void AlertNotificationClient::Reset() { ansStartHandle = 0; ansEndHandle = 0; supportedNewAlertCategoryHandle = 0; supportedUnreadAlertCategoryHandle = 0; newAlertHandle = 0; newAlertDescriptorHandle = 0; newAlertDefHandle = 0; unreadAlertStatusHandle = 0; controlPointHandle = 0; isDiscovered = false; isCharacteristicDiscovered = false; isDescriptorFound = false; } void AlertNotificationClient::Discover(uint16_t connectionHandle, std::function<void(uint16_t)> onServiceDiscovered) { NRF_LOG_INFO("[ANS] Starting discovery"); this->onServiceDiscovered = onServiceDiscovered; ble_gattc_disc_svc_by_uuid(connectionHandle, &ansServiceUuid.u, OnDiscoveryEventCallback, this); } |