ref: 0.8.1-develop
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#include <FreeRTOS.h> #include <task.h> #include <legacy/nrf_drv_clock.h> #include <libraries/timer/app_timer.h> #include <libraries/gpiote/app_gpiote.h> #include <DisplayApp/DisplayApp.h> #include <softdevice/common/nrf_sdh.h> #include <hal/nrf_rtc.h> #include <timers.h> #include <Components/DateTime/DateTimeController.h> #include "Components/Battery/BatteryController.h" #include "Components/Ble/BleController.h" #include <drivers/St7789.h> #include <drivers/SpiMaster.h> #include <drivers/Spi.h> #include <DisplayApp/LittleVgl.h> #include <SystemTask/SystemTask.h> #include <Components/Ble/NotificationManager.h> #include <nimble/nimble_port_freertos.h> #include <nimble/npl_freertos.h> #include <nimble/nimble_port.h> #include <host/ble_hs.h> #include <controller/ble_ll.h> #include <os/os_cputime.h> #include <transport/ram/ble_hci_ram.h> #include <hal/nrf_wdt.h> #include <host/util/util.h> #include <services/gap/ble_svc_gap.h> #if NRF_LOG_ENABLED #include "Logging/NrfLogger.h" Pinetime::Logging::NrfLogger logger; #else #include "Logging/DummyLogger.h" Pinetime::Logging::DummyLogger logger; #endif static constexpr uint8_t pinSpiSck = 2; static constexpr uint8_t pinSpiMosi = 3; static constexpr uint8_t pinSpiMiso = 4; static constexpr uint8_t pinSpiFlashCsn = 5; static constexpr uint8_t pinLcdCsn = 25; static constexpr uint8_t pinLcdDataCommand = 18; static constexpr uint8_t pinTwiScl = 7; static constexpr uint8_t pinTwiSda = 6; static constexpr uint8_t touchPanelTwiAddress = 0x15; Pinetime::Drivers::SpiMaster spi{Pinetime::Drivers::SpiMaster::SpiModule::SPI0, { Pinetime::Drivers::SpiMaster::BitOrder::Msb_Lsb, Pinetime::Drivers::SpiMaster::Modes::Mode3, Pinetime::Drivers::SpiMaster::Frequencies::Freq8Mhz, pinSpiSck, pinSpiMosi, pinSpiMiso } }; Pinetime::Drivers::Spi lcdSpi {spi, pinLcdCsn}; Pinetime::Drivers::St7789 lcd {lcdSpi, pinLcdDataCommand}; Pinetime::Drivers::Spi flashSpi {spi, pinSpiFlashCsn}; Pinetime::Drivers::SpiNorFlash spiNorFlash {flashSpi}; // The TWI device should work @ up to 400Khz but there is a HW bug which prevent it from // respecting correct timings. According to erratas heet, this magic value makes it run // at ~390Khz with correct timings. static constexpr uint32_t MaxTwiFrequencyWithoutHardwareBug{0x06200000}; Pinetime::Drivers::TwiMaster twiMaster{Pinetime::Drivers::TwiMaster::Modules::TWIM1, Pinetime::Drivers::TwiMaster::Parameters { MaxTwiFrequencyWithoutHardwareBug, pinTwiSda, pinTwiScl}}; Pinetime::Drivers::Cst816S touchPanel {twiMaster, touchPanelTwiAddress}; Pinetime::Components::LittleVgl lvgl {lcd, touchPanel}; TimerHandle_t debounceTimer; Pinetime::Controllers::Battery batteryController; Pinetime::Controllers::Ble bleController; Pinetime::Controllers::DateTime dateTimeController; void ble_manager_set_ble_connection_callback(void (*connection)()); void ble_manager_set_ble_disconnection_callback(void (*disconnection)()); static constexpr uint8_t pinTouchIrq = 28; std::unique_ptr<Pinetime::System::SystemTask> systemTask; Pinetime::Controllers::NotificationManager notificationManager; void nrfx_gpiote_evt_handler(nrfx_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action) { if(pin == pinTouchIrq) { systemTask->OnTouchEvent(); return ; } BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE; xTimerStartFromISR(debounceTimer, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); portYIELD_FROM_ISR(xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } extern "C" { void vApplicationIdleHook(void) { lv_tick_inc(1); } } void DebounceTimerCallback(TimerHandle_t xTimer) { xTimerStop(xTimer, 0); systemTask->OnButtonPushed(); } void SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_SPI0_TWI0_IRQHandler(void) { if(((NRF_SPIM0->INTENSET & (1<<6)) != 0) && NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_END == 1) { NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_END = 0; spi.OnEndEvent(); } if(((NRF_SPIM0->INTENSET & (1<<19)) != 0) && NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_STARTED == 1) { NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_STARTED = 0; spi.OnStartedEvent(); } if(((NRF_SPIM0->INTENSET & (1<<1)) != 0) && NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_STOPPED == 1) { NRF_SPIM0->EVENTS_STOPPED = 0; } } static void (*radio_isr_addr)(void) ; static void (*rng_isr_addr)(void) ; static void (*rtc0_isr_addr)(void) ; /* Some interrupt handlers required for NimBLE radio driver */ extern "C" { void RADIO_IRQHandler(void) { ((void (*)(void)) radio_isr_addr)(); } void RNG_IRQHandler(void) { ((void (*)(void)) rng_isr_addr)(); } void RTC0_IRQHandler(void) { ((void (*)(void)) rtc0_isr_addr)(); } void WDT_IRQHandler(void) { nrf_wdt_event_clear(NRF_WDT_EVENT_TIMEOUT); } void npl_freertos_hw_set_isr(int irqn, void (*addr)(void)) { switch (irqn) { case RADIO_IRQn: radio_isr_addr = addr; break; case RNG_IRQn: rng_isr_addr = addr; break; case RTC0_IRQn: rtc0_isr_addr = addr; break; } } uint32_t npl_freertos_hw_enter_critical(void) { uint32_t ctx = __get_PRIMASK(); __disable_irq(); return (ctx & 0x01); } void npl_freertos_hw_exit_critical(uint32_t ctx) { if (!ctx) { __enable_irq(); } } static struct ble_npl_eventq g_eventq_dflt; struct ble_npl_eventq * nimble_port_get_dflt_eventq(void) { return &g_eventq_dflt; } void nimble_port_run(void) { struct ble_npl_event *ev; while (1) { ev = ble_npl_eventq_get(&g_eventq_dflt, BLE_NPL_TIME_FOREVER); ble_npl_event_run(ev); } } void BleHost(void *) { nimble_port_run(); } void nimble_port_init(void) { void os_msys_init(void); void ble_store_ram_init(void); ble_npl_eventq_init(&g_eventq_dflt); os_msys_init(); ble_hs_init(); ble_store_ram_init(); int res; res = hal_timer_init(5, NULL); ASSERT(res == 0); res = os_cputime_init(32768); ASSERT(res == 0); ble_ll_init(); ble_hci_ram_init(); nimble_port_freertos_init(BleHost); } void nimble_port_ll_task_func(void *args) { extern void ble_ll_task(void *); ble_ll_task(args); } } int main(void) { logger.Init(); nrf_drv_clock_init(); debounceTimer = xTimerCreate ("debounceTimer", 200, pdFALSE, (void *) 0, DebounceTimerCallback); systemTask.reset(new Pinetime::System::SystemTask(spi, lcd, spiNorFlash, twiMaster, touchPanel, lvgl, batteryController, bleController, dateTimeController, notificationManager)); systemTask->Start(); nimble_port_init(); vTaskStartScheduler(); for (;;) { APP_ERROR_HANDLER(NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN); } } |