ref: 872c9ed6a762f0de8bce3f2d33f7b27cfa68217f
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package ml.adamsprogs.bimba.models import android.content.Context import ml.adamsprogs.bimba.CacheManager import ml.adamsprogs.bimba.toPascalCase import import org.onebusaway.gtfs.impl.GtfsDaoImpl import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.* import org.onebusaway.gtfs.serialization.GtfsReader import import java.util.* class Timetable private constructor() { companion object { const val MODE_WORKDAYS = "workdays" const val MODE_SATURDAYS = "saturdays" const val MODE_SUNDAYS = "sundays" private var timetable: Timetable? = null fun getTimetable(context: Context? = null, force: Boolean = false): Timetable { return if (timetable == null || force) if (context != null) { timetable = Timetable() timetable!!.store = read(context) as GtfsDaoImpl timetable!!.cacheManager = CacheManager.getCacheManager(context) timetable as Timetable } else throw IllegalArgumentException("new timetable requested and no context given") else timetable as Timetable } private fun read(context: Context): GtfsDao { val reader = GtfsReader() reader.setInputLocation(File(context.filesDir, "")) val store = GtfsDaoImpl() reader.entityStore = store return store } } lateinit var store: GtfsDaoImpl private lateinit var cacheManager: CacheManager private var _stops: ArrayList<StopSuggestion>? = null //todo stops to cache fun refresh(context: Context) { = read(context) as GtfsDaoImpl cacheManager.recreate(getStopDeparturesByPlates(cacheManager.keys().toSet())) getStops(true) } fun getStops(force: Boolean = false): List<StopSuggestion> { if (_stops != null && !force) return _stops!! /* AWF 232 → Os. Rusa|8:1435|AWF03 AWF 232 → Rondo Kaponiera|8:1436|AWF04 AWF 76 → Pl. Bernardyński, 74 → Os. Sobieskiego, 603 → Pl. Bernardyński|8:1437|AWF02 AWF 76 → Os. Dębina, 603 → Łęczyca/Dworcowa|8:1634|AWF01 AWF 29 → Pl. Wiosny Ludów|8:171|AWF42 AWF 10 → Połabska, 29 → Dębiec, 15 → Budziszyńska, 10 → Dębiec, 15 → Os. Sobieskiego, 12 → Os. Sobieskiego, 6 → Junikowo, 18 → Ogrody, 2 → Ogrody|8:172|AWF41 AWF 10 → Franowo, 29 → Franowo, 6 → Miłostowo, 5 → Stomil, 18 → Franowo, 15 → Franowo, 12 → Starołęka, 74 → Os. Orła Białego|8:4586|AWF73 */ //trip_id, stop_id from stop_times if drop_off_type in {0,3} //route_id as line, trip_id, headsign from trips //stop_id, stop_code from stops val map = HashMap<AgencyAndId, HashSet<String>>() store.allStopTimes.filter { it.dropOffType == 0 || it.dropOffType == 3 }.forEach { val trip = it.trip val line = trip.route.shortName val headsign = (trip.tripHeadsign).toPascalCase() val stopId = if (map[stopId] == null) map[stopId] = HashSet() map[stopId]!!.add("$line → $headsign") } val stops = { StopSuggestion(it.value, it.key) }.toSet() _stops = stops.sortedBy { this.getStopSymbol( } as ArrayList<StopSuggestion> return _stops!! } fun getStopName(stopId: AgencyAndId) = store.getStopForId(stopId).name!! fun getStopSymbol(stopId: AgencyAndId) = store.getStopForId(stopId).code!! fun getLineNumber(lineId: AgencyAndId) = store.getRouteForId(lineId).shortName!! fun getStopDepartures(stopId: AgencyAndId): Map<AgencyAndId, List<Departure>> { val plates = HashSet<Plate>() val toGet = HashSet<Plate>() getTripsForStop(stopId) .map { it.tripHeadsign Plate(, stopId, it.tripHeadsign, null) } .forEach { if (cacheManager.has(it)) plates.add(cacheManager.get(it)!!) else { toGet.add(it) } } getStopDeparturesByPlates(toGet).forEach { cacheManager.push(it); plates.add(it) } return Plate.join(plates) } fun getStopDepartures(plates: Set<Plate>): Map<AgencyAndId, ArrayList<Departure>> { val result = HashSet<Plate>() val toGet = HashSet<Plate>() for (plate in plates) { if (cacheManager.has(plate)) result.add(cacheManager.get(plate)!!) else toGet.add(plate) } getStopDeparturesByPlates(toGet).forEach { cacheManager.push(it); result.add(it) } return Plate.join(result) } private fun getStopDeparturesByPlates(plates: Set<Plate>): Set<Plate> { if (plates.isEmpty()) return emptySet() return { getStopDeparturesByPlate(it) }.toSet() } private fun getStopDeparturesByPlate(plate: Plate): Plate { val p = Plate(plate.line, plate.stop, plate.headsign, HashMap()) store.allStopTimes .filter { == plate.stop } .filter { == plate.line } .filter { it.trip.tripHeadsign.toLowerCase() == plate.headsign.toLowerCase() } .forEach { val time = it.departureTime val serviceId = it.trip.serviceId val mode = calendarToMode( val lowFloor = it.trip.wheelchairAccessible == 1 val mod = explainModification(it.trip,"^")[1], it.stopSequence) val dep = Departure(plate.line, mode, time, lowFloor, mod, plate.headsign) if (p.departures!![serviceId] == null) p.departures[serviceId] = HashSet() p.departures[serviceId]!!.add(dep) } return p } private fun calendarToMode(serviceId: Int): List<Int> { val calendar = store.getCalendarForId(serviceId) val days = ArrayList<Int>() if (calendar.monday == 1) days.add(0) if (calendar.tuesday == 1) days.add(1) if (calendar.wednesday == 1) days.add(2) if (calendar.thursday == 1) days.add(3) if (calendar.friday == 1) days.add(4) if (calendar.saturday == 1) days.add(5) if (calendar.sunday == 1) days.add(6) return days } private fun explainModification(trip: Trip, modifications: String, stopSequence: Int): List<String> { val mods = modifications.replace("+", "").split(",") var definitions = trip.route.desc.split("^") definitions = definitions.slice(2..definitions.size) val definitionsMap = HashMap<String, String>() definitions.forEach { val (key, definition) = it.split(" - ") definitionsMap[key] = definition } val explanations = ArrayList<String>() mods.forEach { if (it.contains(":")) { val (key, start, stop) = it.split(":") if (stopSequence in start.toInt()..stop.toInt()) explanations.add(definitionsMap[key]!!) } else { explanations.add(definitionsMap[it]!!) } } return explanations } fun getLinesForStop(stopId: AgencyAndId): Set<AgencyAndId> { val lines = HashSet<AgencyAndId>() store.allStopTimes.filter { == stopId }.forEach { lines.add( } return lines } private fun getTripsForStop(stopId: AgencyAndId): Set<Trip> { val lines = HashSet<Trip>() store.allStopTimes.filter { == stopId }.forEach { lines.add(it.trip) } return lines } fun isEmpty() = store.allFeedInfos.isEmpty() fun getValidSince() = store.allFeedInfos.toTypedArray()[0].startDate.asString!! fun getValidTill() = store.allFeedInfos.toTypedArray()[0].endDate.asString!! fun getServiceForToday(): AgencyAndId { val today = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) return getServiceFor(today) } fun getServiceForTomorrow(): AgencyAndId { val tomorrow = Calendar.getInstance() tomorrow.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1) val tomorrowDoW = tomorrow.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) return getServiceFor(tomorrowDoW) } private fun getServiceFor(day: Int): AgencyAndId { store.allCalendars.forEach { if (it.monday == 1 && day == Calendar.MONDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.tuesday == 1 && day == Calendar.TUESDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.wednesday == 1 && day == Calendar.WEDNESDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.thursday == 1 && day == Calendar.THURSDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.friday == 1 && day == Calendar.FRIDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.saturday == 1 && day == Calendar.SATURDAY) return it.serviceId if (it.sunday == 1 && day == Calendar.SUNDAY) return it.serviceId } throw IllegalArgumentException() } } |